Good Grain Ministry

Exploring the Spirit Realm

Hearing God 1.0, Forgotten Basics

Forgotten Basics is a collection of articles exploring principles needed for advanced study, which aren’t commonly taught.

Importance of the Word – Start here. This section explores how God uses His Word to speak to us and to build us up, including the visual language God uses in both parables and dreams. Understanding these principles is an introduction to all the more advanced materials that follow.

Those who recognized Jesus – as a baby – An example of principles in action, people close to God immediately recognized what God was doing when Jesus Christ was only baby.

God Speaks in Dreams – Heroes of the Bible had a great understanding of how God speaks to us in dreams; principles available to you today.

Go Beyond Salvation – Salvation is only the beginning of Christianity. We are training and qualifying to rule for Christ.

Baptism is Critical – Water baptism is not merely symbolic. It is a command of Christ. Spiritual power is released to overcome sin and “see” the Kingdom of God.

Love and Trials – We are meant to be overcomers. New Christians (and old) need to understand overcoming troubles with a spirit of joy and love.

End Times and Myths – Some of the popular end-times stories contradict Biblical teachings. But regardless of what happens when, Biblical principles for going through hard times remain the same.